Math Therapy: Way Beyond Tutoring

I help people learn--and love--math so they can thrive in school, work, and life. 

Why math therapy?

Math is painful for most people. More than half of Canadians have inadequate math skills. A worldwide innumeracy epidemic has caused much math anxiety and self-doubt. Numeracy is a critical life skill that is foundational for financial literacy, science literacy, and career success. Despite this, most people see math skills as "nerdy" and feel okay saying "I hate math."

What is math therapy?

Math therapy is the joyful healing that comes from deeply understanding numbers and operations. As clients experience the pleasure and power of sense-making, doubts and anxiety vanish, opening the door for success in school, work, and life. More coaching details.

“Allow what goes wrong and see the magic.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
"The best teacher I've ever had." ~ Chris (GTTT participant)"I'm not sure where my kids and I would be without him." ~ Michelle"A wonderful math teacher who helps you see numbers for what they actually are and alleviates anxiety--patient and compassionate." ~ Esra

How does math therapy work?

Clients from all over the world develop in five areas over 5-10 one-on-one, online sessions using research-based approaches gleaned from decades as a math teacher and K-12 district-level math leader. Find out more about coaching with me.

Watch math therapy in action or see how misconceptions can be uncovered. I have helped hundreds of clients move from math misery to being more numerate than pretty much everyone they know. Curing math trauma is not only possible, but joyful.  

Math Therapy - Understanding and Healing

Isn't this just tutoring?

Math therapy goes way beyond tutoring. Cathartic emotional breakthroughs happen when people heal old beliefs (e.g., "I'm stupid", "there's a trick but I never remember", "I'm not a math person"). Math trauma is dissolved by actually understanding numbers and operations as never before.

Tutoring is about today's topic, but math therapy is always based on each client's unique developmental edge. By turning misconceptions into understanding, years of progress are made rapidly, where tutoring benefits can fade quickly.

With a focus on understanding, math capacity and confidence grows. The point of math therapy is self-reliance and to finally understand math itself, not spend endless time in extra classes or tutoring committing steps to memory.

Old School Math ↔️ Math Therapy     

      25-35class size → individual

 partialdifferentiation full       

     fixed by gradecurriculum flexible by student

memorize stepspedagogy make sense         

short-termretention long-term  

summativeassessment diagnostic

    bored/confusedzone sweet spot           

shallowlearning deep    

recall/rote/practicemain move make connections

 "what's the next step"meme → "what makes sense?"  

 slow and fadesprogress rapid and stays

growth in yearspace → growth in hours

mostly writtenmode → mostly mental  

computing crutchcalculators learning tool         

tutoring band-aidassistance independence      

confusion/doubt/fearemotion clarity/surety/joy        

uncertain guessingconfidence certain knowing  

guess/regurgitate  ← habit → understand/apply 

resist thinkinglong-term trust thinking 

Why are so many people innumerate?

Policymakers have long prioritized advanced school topics like calculus instead of essential numeracy. This has led to developmentally inappropriate curricula, even in earlier grades. Add in high-stakes testing, and even great math teachers feel they must stick to curriculum instead of meeting students where they are. 

Inevitably, students resort to memorizing math procedures or formulas they don't understand, and math becomes a bewildering and frustrating experience. Any learning is fragile, forgotten after the next test or course. In general, trying to remember things that make little or no sense isn't effective, healthy, or fun. 

This widespread form of math trauma has been inflicted on generation after generation, leaving most people with significant deficits and negative attitudes. Society sees math as confusing or mysterious, and stigmatizes illiteracy while at the same time labelling math skills as nerdy.

How can I start?

Choose either 5 sessions (ideal for most people thrive mathematically) or 10 sessions (for deeper math healing and empowerment) and then book your first session. Write to me with questions or if you'd like a free consultation (single sessions available by special request). For younger students, parents or guardians are encouraged to join in the first session. Find out more about my sliding scale and how to get started working with me.